Data protection


Tuomi S.A.
CEO Arja Roos
Fausermillen 7
L-6689 Mertert


Data protection officer

Dipl.-Kfm. Helmut Haag
Certified as economic advisor and data protection officer
2, rue Gabriel Lippmann
L-5365 Munsbach

Responsible for the content of our news pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is according to the German Telemedia Act § 55 Section 2 RStV.

Dr. Weber-Dellacroce
7, Fausermillen
6689 Mertert

All data provided to us is treated confidentially and managed in accordance with the EU Data Protection Act and regional legislation.

Purposes of data processing

We process or administer personal data only to fulfil our contractual obligations to our customers, employees or interested parties. In individual cases we are entitled to process

  1. because we have a valid consent form
  2. based on an existing contract
  3. because we have a legitimate reason for doing so, e.g. legal requirements
Contact form

This website does not collect personal data. If you contact us via the contact form, your data will only be used and processed within the scope of the purpose you have specified.

Cookies and IP Addresses

Insofar as cookies and the IP address are recorded, the data is only stored and monitored for the purpose of IT security and the protection of our systems. A tracing or evaluation of personal data, as well as a further processing for advertising is not carried out.


Our Facebook page for German speakers is
and for English speakers

Wir nutzen Facebook, um über aktuelle Themen zu informieren und auf Veranstaltungen hinzuweisen. Soweit sie uns über die Facebookseite personenbezogene Daten zukommen lassen, werden diese bei uns nur zur Beantwortung der Anfragen verarbeitet. Eine Speicherung erfolgt nur soweit eine Einwilligung oder eine vertragliche Verbindung vorliegt.

Facebook stores cookies on your computer, which can be used for further analysis. We do not evaluate this data ourselves, but we would like to point out that the use of that page does lead to the colllection of personal data, which is further processed by Twitter or used for analysis. You can obtain further information on this from Facebook at or at


Our Instagram page can be found at

We use Instagram to inform about current topics and to make people aware of upcoming events. If you provide us with personal data via the Instagram site, we will only use it to respond to your inquiries. Data will only be stored if consent or a contractual relationship exists.

Instagram stores cookies on your computer, which can be used for further analysis. We do not evaluate these data ourselves, but we would like to point out that whne you use the page personal data is collected and under circumstances of which we know nothing about, is further processed by Instagram or used for analysis. For more information on this, please contact Instagram about the use of cookies at
or at the general data protection information at


We use Twitter to inform about current topics and to make people aware of upcoming events. If you reach us via the Twitter page and send us personal data, these will only be used by us to answer your inquiries. A storage is only carried out as far as a consent or a contractual connection exists.

Twitter stores cookies on your computer, which can be used for further analysis. We do not evaluate these data ourselves, but we would like to point out that when you use our Twitter page, Twitter collects personal data and may, in ways that are not know to us, further process and analyse them. You can obtain further information from Twitter at
or at

Your rights

You have the right to know at any time what data we have stored about you. You can also request the deletion of your data at any time. Insofar as processing has been provided for in the context of a contract, you can object to this at any time, unless other laws require storage or further processing within the statutory periods.

Security of processing

All data is transmitted in encrypted form. tuomi has been using Apsec's encryption software since 2007, so that all sensitive data is stored on our server in a highly encrypted form. The data and servers are protected against unauthorized access by firewalls, switches and even structural measures. Only authorized employees, who have been working for the company for many years and who are all bound to confidentiality, can access the data.

Complaints to the supervisory authorities

You can contact the above-mentioned data protection officer or a data protection supervisory authority. The data protection supervisory authority responsible for us is

Commission nationale pour la protection des données
Service des plaintes
1, avenue du Rock’n’Roll

L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette