Our voice for Inclusion

Our voice for Inclusion

For us, accessibility is not an add-on, but something we think about from the very beginning. On the one hand, we want to meet the justified demands of people with disabilities (a human right !) and on the other hand, we want to show that barrier-free functions and services create additional value for everyone.

At some point, everyone enjoys barrier-free tools. For example:

  •  parents with a baby in their arms
  • the injured athlete who walks on crutches
  • seniors with declining visual acuity
  • the young person with colour blindness
  •  tourists who do not understand the language that is used in the exhibition
  • ....

We promote barrier-freedom

tuomi is committed to to inclusion at accessibility. That's why our first thought is always: How do we include barrier-free elements in the project and how do we make sure that it's added value for everyone?

We include the following features in our multimedia guides, apps and media stations:

  1. Intuitive use: We combine easy information retrieval with hardly any manual navigation and an app is not required.
  2. Inclusion is standard: Convenient adjustment of font sizes and contrasts.
  3. Audio descriptions, sign language videos and subtitles can be integrated at any time
  4. Multilingual
  5. Supports screen reading programs
  6. Navigation aid through exhibition
  7. Group-specific tours, e.g. for children or in easy language.

The combination of our digital solutions with tactile NFC signs, 3D objects and tactile guidance systems creates accessibility for all.

You can choose the right solution from our modular system. Please contact us. In addition to "normal" barrier-free guides, our services include kits for blind visitors and inclusive virtual reality installations.

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